The initial assessment will last 30 minutes and involve a detailed discussion and specific questioning regarding the presenting complaint to enable the physiotherapist to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem you are currently having and previous complaints from the past.
This is then followed by an objective examination with assessment of range of movement, testing of various structures and palpating to identify any areas of stiffness and tenderness. Throughout the assessment the therapist will be explaining the findings and a discussion will follow with regard to formulating an appropriate treatment and management plan.
In order to gain the most information possible it may be necessary to wear appropriate clothing to allow the physiotherapist access to the area of injury/ problem. For example to fully assess the neck then removal of shirts/ topsĀ may be necessary therefore a vest top may be more comfortable for you to wear; and for back and lower limb examinations it is often necessary to access the area, therefore shorts may be more appropriate.
Time to change will be given prior to the assessment; however if you do not wish to remove all clothing then we will do our utmost to work around any specific requirements as we are able.